The Way to Boost Don Juan Roses

The Don Juan rose, Rosa”Don Juan,” is a spectacular climbing rose that thrives in a variety of areas of the country. You’ll notice these climbers, with fragrance rose. The plant looks great throughout the season with dark, leatherlike green foliagebuds and ruffled blooms that repeat. After it’s become an established and established plant like other climbing roses, the Don Juan variety does not require care.

Add alterations where you will plant your Don Juan roses or mulch into the ground. Aim for a ratio of 1-to-2 or 1-to-3.

Dig a hole 18 inches by 12 inches deep for bare-root roses. Dig the hole about 1 inch deeper wide enough for the root ball than the root ball for container-grown roses.

Apply two to three inches of natural mulching material to the top of the soil over the roots. Organic mulches include wood chips, pine needles, grass clippings, leaves and hay.

Water your new Don Juan roses each time the ground two to three inches below the surface becomes dry.

Fertilize your roses with a balanced fertilizer in spring and following your Don Juan blossoms the first time. Fertilizer will make plenty of problems to your roses.

Prune any dead or dying branches as your Don Juan spreads and matures out. In general, you should enable them to grow instead of attempting to maintain them to one small location. Do so in spring, if you have to prune for size restrictions.

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